Addison had his 2 month appointment almost 2 weeks ago. He was 13 lb 10 oz, and 24 1/2 " long, and in the 90 - 95th percentile in all measurements...I think he's gonna be big and strong just like his Daddy :)

He was totally healthy and fine at his appointment, and then came down with a really yucky wet cough the next day...UGH! Can I just say that having a sick baby is NO FUN!! On top of having a sick baby the hubs was out of town for the weekend....double NO FUN! His wet cough was soon accompanied by a runny nose. So when he wasn't any better by Tuesday, we decided to head back to the pediatrician to see what was up. Turns out he had RSV, which in adults and older children is just a cold, but in little babies, turns into something like bronchitis. His breathing had started getting shallow, so they sent us to the ER to be monitored. I wish I could say I stayed completely strong for my little man, but I was a WRECK! The drive to the ER was one of the worst, most nerve-wracking drives in my life! Our pediatrician prepared us for a possible overnight stay in the hospital, but thankfully, he bounced right back and we only stayed in the hospital for a couple hours. It took another few days or so for him to be back to himself...but he's good as new now! I'm glad to have that first sickness behind us, and I feel a little more prepared for next time!
Russ celebrated his first birthday as a Dad last week...
...and for his birthday, Bubbe (Russ' mom) sent us several outfits that were Russ' as a baby.
I really hope Bubbe finds some pictures of Russ in these outfits!!
Little man continues to amaze me pretty much every day. He's so alert and studies everything and everyone he looks at. We prayed every night before he was born that we'd have a calm, happy baby...and he is just that! I see how easy it is to not get anything done these days as it's so hard to not stare at him 24/7.
Hope you're having a lovely week so far!!
1 comment:
He's a DOLL! So glad to hear that the RSV has improved. We too had a scare when Easton was 1 week old-1 month old...we had to go to lung dr and heart dr but thankfully he was fine...just a noisy breather. Boy, being a first time mom sure is fun! Wish they came with an instruction manual...and a digital read out telling you what was wrong! HA!
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