Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Surely it has not been a whole month since I posted last?! Well it seems that it has, and our little man is now 2 months old!!! This past month has just flown by without my knowing it. Addison is growing and SLEEPING like a champion! He's gone 9-10 hrs between feedings the past 4 nights!! I truly thought these nights would never come...haha.

Unfortunately I don't have much time to post, but I wanted to show you his 2 month picture in a comparison to last month...

Seriously?!?! Are you kidding me Addi?!?! Your like a completely different boy!!

I promise I'll share more of what we've been up to with you soon! Hope you're enjoying your day!!!


morganplex said...

You're so creative. I LOVE it!!

{annie_loo} @ The Farrar Four said...

So cute! Please share your sleep secrets. I delivered March 18th and we have yet to master sleeping through the night. I do feel blessed that he's only getting up once a night but 9-10 hours, HOLY COW! Congrats to you!

jill louise said...

I'm certainly no expert, but here are a couple things that I think has helped. He's been sleeping in his own room in his crib for a few weeks. I realized that I was actually waking him up when he started making noises. With him sleeping in his room I'm only going in when he's actually awake and crying. We've also given him a bedtime, and nightime routine. About a week after we started that routine he started sleeping 9-10 hrs. So yea...that's what's working for us!! Good luck girl!